Family Law

Family Law Matters Can Be Stressful

So We Take A Dignified Approach…

  • Children
  • Property
  • Divorce
  • Domestic Violence
  • Child Safety
  • Grandparents
  • DeFacto Couples

The Family Law Five

In our dealings with family law clients, we inform them that there are five sets of people they will need in order to deal with their family law issues.

  1. Family
  2. Friends
  3. Financial Adviser
  4. Lawyer
  5. Counsellor

Family Law Disputes Can Be Hard
But They Don’t Need To Be Overwhelming…


Clients must be encouraged to talk to their family members, especially on the days that they do not feel like talking to anyone. Family can be important support in the stress of family law and can also provide practical assistance.


Family Law Five HandThere are things about one that one’s family know about but that friends do not and vice versa. For this reason, it is important for clients to keep interacting with their friends as well as family.

Financial Adviser

Lawyers are not financial advisers and can give limited advice about planning for the future. Clients should be encouraged to get financial advice about their options and the possible pitfalls associated with those options. For example, there may be Capital Gains Tax implications associated with a proposal that should be explored. If companies, trusts or other schemes are involved, the possible need for specialist advice increases.


As family lawyers, we provide advice and guidance for our clients. The client is in ultimate charge and the more they can be involved with their matter and do things for themselves the more empowered and comfortable they will be. The more clients can be empowered to do, the more the lawyers can focus on value adding for the client as opposed to mechanical aspects like collating documents for disclosure.


It is most important that someone going through a Family Law situation gets professional help to deal with the complications and stressors that arise.  Getting help sooner is now much more socially acceptable than it once was, especially for men. Being angry, sad or even just “empty” are normal feelings in the family law process but clients who are getting professional help (which family, friends, and even lawyers lack the ability to give) will more readily cope.

Dignity – Compassion – Empathy – Understanding – Experience

Don’t Panic…

Even if you don’t know what must be done now, or what might need to be done in the future,..

Instead, pick up the phone and call 1300-ADS-LAW to make an appointment to plan pathways forward.

In most situations, (even those that may appear impossible at first) we can help you come to an amicable agreement.

By showing you what your options are, and then explaining when to best employ them, resolving your matter will allow you to get on with your life faster, and wherever possible, with dignity for both parties.

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There Is No Real Joy In Taking A Family Law Matter To Trial

Taking a matter to trial will involve costs to all parties that could have otherwise been spent on the family itself.

We know that no client comes to us saying that they want to go to Court.  Rather, virtually everyone would prefer to deal with matters amicably.

So pick up the phone and call us today on 1300 ADS LAW or 07 3088 3777 – because it just might be the best decision you’ve ever made.

Book your free initial family law chat  now